The Months and Seasons of Planet Unan
Planet Unan is the home planet of the protagonist and hero Vince Penet (aka Alfaman). The planet has recognizable months known as:
1. Ada (month of power strength)
2. Even (month of logic)
3. Inex (month of law, Justice)
4. Un (month of creation)
5. Unae (month of the planet)
6. Trava(month of travel)
7. Urth
8. Koth (month of the Universe)
9. Pae (month of cold)
10. Deif (month of gods)
11. Knul (month of war)
12. Xix (month of observation)
On planet Unan the date is described in the D/M format. For example, villainess Kanya's birth is 6 Pae.
The Seasons on Planet Unan include:
The Pryme (summer)
The Prysm (spring)
The Paeste (fall)
The Paele (winter)
The Pryme is the longest season while the Paele is the shortest (but strongest) season.